Avinguda Bartomeu 25, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Telèfons: 93.594.00.71 - 646.97.68.15

dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013

Scarecrow time!!!

Today the lavenders were all about the SCARECROW;  first we stuffed a shirt to make a new scarecrow for the garden and then we did the action song "I'm a dingle dangle scarecrow". It's very easy; try to do it at home, they love it!!! Here is the link to the lyrics and actions...

I, en canvi, els romanís i les farigoles hem fet l'animalet que decorarà el nostre bosc; encara ningú no l'ha encertat!!! Hem fet un munt de fotos... les posarem al recull de final de curs!!!

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