The Lavenders read "Run, turkey, run": Thanksgiving is only a day away. Can turkey find a place to hide from the farmer searching for a plump bird for his feast? If the farmer doesn't fall for his tricks, there's only one thing to do, run Turkey, run!!! ;-) And then they played freely with the animals... Els Romanís, per fi, hem estrenat la taula d'experimentació d'exterior i hem experimentat lliurement amb maccarrons, arròs, llenties; què diver!!!
And... 1ST ENGLISH CLASS for thymies!!! Wooowwww, we did the "Good morning", the weather and read a great, great sotory with Patri, "Brow, bear, brown bear"... Patri speaks differnt, you know...
Here is the link to this great picture book read by Gwyneth Paltrow and illustrated by Eric Carle: Brown bear, brown bear... Hope you like it!!!
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