Avinguda Bartomeu 25, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Telèfons: 93.594.00.71 - 646.97.68.15

dijous, 3 de març del 2016

Dramatic play, sensory tubs i... POLLOCK!!!

Remember the bear mask we made tuesday? Well today we, the Lavenders, put them on and did some dramatic play related to the story we are working on... Beary FUN!!!
Since we, the Rosemaries, are working on "Walking through the jungle" today we decided to play with different sensory tubs related to the story...
Icebergs & the ocean....
The desert & the jungle...
It was sooooooo much fun!!!
Com sabeu les Farigoles estem treballant Pollock i també "La vaca que va pondre un ou" i, per això, avui hem decidit aplicar la tècnica del "dripping" per fer un quadre tot relacionant-ho amb la vaca; muuuuuuu....
Han quedat uns quadres super pollockians!!!

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