Avinguda Bartomeu 25, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Telèfons: 93.594.00.71 - 646.97.68.15

dimarts, 10 de maig del 2016

"Makin' a self portrait like Miró" i pintem un LLENÇ!!!

Today we, the Lavenders, talked about Miró and his paintings. After observing some of his SELF PORTRAITS  we talked about the body and its parts placin' them in the right position and...
then, of course, we made a self portrait of our own. Have a good look!
Avui les farigoles hem pintat un LLENÇ "a lo" Pollock amb canyetes i cotó fluix; mireu quin efecte tan bonic :-)!!!
No cal ni dir-ho, oi???
Ens ho hem passat PIPA!!! I mireu què guapos hem quedat tots plegats...

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