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dimecres, 30 de gener del 2019

Reflections on the importance of education

Reflections on the importance of education.
“Be peaceful and love everyone (…). One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first. ”
Indeed Education is a more powerful than a bullet! Well said Malala! Worth watching!
How to catch a star. The book of the term. Planet stones. The moon English skills. Makin’ a moon. Arts & crafts. Fun. Lavenders 18-19.
#yoga #massagetime #relaxation #om #🙏🏻 #bodyawareness #llardenpitus #llardinfants #nurseryschool #bilingualschool #learningbydoing #learningbyplaying #aprenemjugant #aprenemjunts

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