Avinguda Bartomeu 25, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Telèfons: 93.594.00.71 - 646.97.68.15

divendres, 31 de gener del 2020


PROCESS ART is an artistic movement as well as a creative sentiment where the end product of art and craft, the objet d’art is not the principal focus. The 'process' in process art refers to the process of the formation of art: the gathering, sorting, collating, associating, patterning, and moreover the initiation of actions and proceedings. Process art is concerned with the actual doing and how actions can be defined as an actual work of art; seeing the art as pure human expression.
ART is  a creative journey 🎨!!!
Llums i ombres - l’hivern ❄️☃️!!!
#llumsiombres #hivern #elscolorsdelhivern #experimentació #descobertatranquilla #gaudi #ambullsdinfant #acompanyamentrespectuós #pedagogiaactiva 
Molt bon cap de setmana! Happy weekend!

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