Avinguda Bartomeu 25, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Telèfons: 93.594.00.71 - 646.97.68.15

dimecres, 23 de gener del 2019

education must CHANGE to empower future generations!

Inspiring words!!! Worth watchin'...
These are soft skills we need to teach our children: VALUES, BELIEVING, INDEPENDENT THINKING, TEAMWORK & CARE FOR OTHERS!!!
Daily routines. Saying 'good morning' to each other. Fellowship. What's the weather like today? English skills. Makin' earth suncatchers. Fun. Lavenders 18-19.
Els Romanís també ho tenen clar ;-), "Ara plou, ara neva" i mai millor dit!
#músicaivalors #araplouaraneva #violí #instrumentdelmes #pizzicato #gaudi #romanís #learningbysinging #learningbyplaying

#invitationtoplay #thingsthatgo #discoveringmovement #rolling #freeplay #exploringtheworld #fun #llardenpitus #nurseryschool #bilingualschool #learningbyplaying

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