Avinguda Bartomeu 25, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Telèfons: 93.594.00.71 - 646.97.68.15

dijous, 21 de novembre del 2019

Making apple pies!!!

🎼 Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing, Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king? 🎼
Making apple pies collaboratively all together, big & small ones ❤️🔝. 

Filling the pie...
Washing the apples...
Making lemon juice...
More mixing...
Filling the pie...
Our yummy PIES!!!
Happy World Nursery Rhyme week! More pics on facebook!

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